This cute dogs vest is made of breathable cloth and a 100% cotton. Available in three different colors blue, gray and pink. Also available in different size that’s perfectly match to your pet size.
You can put it to your pet in a daily basis because it is very comfortable, smooth and of course washable.
Easy to wash and clean when it gets dirt. It is really important that what we wear to out pet will still keep them comfortable in a way that they can still do whatever they wanted, like jumping or even cuddling.
We should always consider how they going to feel every time we put something on their buddy.Keeping them clean will surely promote good health and that is what we always wish for them. And, buying this breathable clothe can never be a mistake.
Alicia –
My Coton De Tulear is really hairy and fluffy that is why I bought this item because I believe it is suitable for him,,and guess what? Iam sooooo right! :)♥♥